child’s body is made up of 75% of water and it is extremely essential for them to drink plenty of fluids to grow up healthy, feel good and play around. Water also gives them the energy to think better, use their brain power and function better.
Everybody, including your child needs to drink water regularly as it is utmost importance. Children lose water while they sweat throughout the day, urinate and need to replenish water in their body.
There are charts for daily recommendations of water for every human being depending on their age. Apart from these recommendations, keep in mind whether your child plays any particular sports as in these cases they might require more water.
Ages 5–8 : 40 ounces of water
Ages 9–12 : 56 ounces
Ages 13+ : 80 ounces
If you are still not convinced, we have listed down below some important reasons why your kid needs to stay hydrated every single day :
1- Dehydration
When your body doesn’t get enough water, it’s starts dehydrating. There are 75% of people in this world, including children, that are chronically dehydrated.
Dehydration can lead to slow metabolism, cause fatigue, give headaches and cause your child to feel tired easily.
The human body can not store water anywhere so it’s important that children drink water throughout the day to stay replenished.
Always keep water bottles in their backpacks, lockers and cars so they can access it easily. You can also offer them a glass of water with every meal or when they come back from school or the playground.
2- Asthma and Allergies
If your child suffers from asthma or any other allergy, then drinking water will obviously help them.
They can drink a glass of water before they have any meals. By increasing their water intake, they get enough water for their body to function.
3- Hunger pangs
Our body doesn’t recognise if it is hungry or thirsty so those late night hunger pangs might just be your body signalling you that it needs water.
You can drink a glass of water before going to bed or even keep a bottle of water near your bedside so whenever you feel thirsty you can drink it.
4- Fatigue
When your child feels thirsty or if they don’t drink enough water, they tend to feel tired really easily.
Water is the main source of energy for our body and they need it to feel alive and function properly.
Water helps children focus better in class, keeps their brain working at all times and integrates their mind and body functions to make proper decisions and have a purpose in life.
5- Body pains
According to studies, drinking enough water can help ease growing pains, back pains or even joint pains in children.
If they experience any body pain, make sure you give them plenty of water throughout the day along with the prescribed medication.
Make water your number one beverage for your entire family do your children can watch and learn from your water intake.
You will notice your child look healthier, focus better and be more efficient in their work when they are fully hydrated.
We hope this article helps you to understand the importance of water for your children. To read on more such parenting topics, please visit our website https://lilamigosnest.com/