It’s normal when a baby gets fussy or cries but when your baby gets colic, they start to fuss and excessively cry for absolutely no reason. Their crying can last for more than 3 hours, most of the days and for more than 3 weeks.
When your baby gets colic, the excessive crying can drive parents nuts. It starts generally around week 2 of your baby’s life and can last upto week 6 or 8 of your baby’s life.
As parents it’s important for you to remember that colic is not your fault. No matter how well you feed them on time, change their diapers or put them to sleep, your baby can still get colic. Colic will eventually go away and just because your baby has colic now, it doesn’t mean that they are unhealthy or you failed as a parent.
Although there is no hard and fast rule to treat colic in babies, here are some ways for you help soothe your colicky baby:
1- Swaddling
Take a blanket or a piece of clothing and wrap it firmly around your baby, keeping their arms snugly inside while their legs are free to move.
You can buy swaddle wraps from lilamigosnest that are perfect for wrapping your baby and are multifunctional as well. You can use this wrap well onto their toddler stage.
2- Shushing
Use a white noise machine or use white audio from your phone to keep them calm.
You can use an audio recording of rain from YouTube, sound of vacuum or hairdryer which are comforting for babies to listen while falling asleep as they mimic womb like sounds.
3- Swinging
Hold your baby and rock them from side to side. This won’t be harmful for your baby as they will get distracted with the movement and focus less on crying.
4- Sucking
Another great way to stop them from crying it to give them a pacifier.
They have a strong sucking sensation in the first few months of their birth and a pacifier will help keep them satisfied.
5- Stomach lying
You can place your baby on their stomachs while you lay beside them as well.
Make sure that they don’t fall asleep on their stomach.
6- Gas
Sometimes excess gas can cause colic in your baby.
You can get out excess gas from your baby by holding your baby’s leg to their chest for a few minutes.
7- Massage
You can give your baby a warm massage to help them feel relaxed and soothe them down.
You can gently massage jtheir back, belly and arms.
8- Paediatrician
You can always consult your doctor or paediatrician for advice on how to soothe your baby during this time.
Contact your doctor if your baby starts getting a fever or starts vomiting.
We know colic can be hard on the baby but it can be difficult for you as well so take a break when the pressure of trying to soothe your crying baby is too much for you.
Take a walk and grab your lunch outside and take a break to relive all of your stress and come back rejuvenated.
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